Quenching of vibrationally excited nitric oxide by molecular oxygen and nitrogen

Vibrationally excited NO(X 2Π, v≳0) was produced by energetic electrons impacting on nitrogen–oxygen gas mixtures. The time decay of the NO fundamental vibration–rotation bands in the presence of varying concentrations of N2 and O2 was measured. The quenching rate constants of NO(v=1) by N2 and O2 were determined to be kO2=2.4±1.5×10−14 and kN2=1.7±0.7×10−16 cm3 sec−1, respectively. Two quenching models are considered, independent and proportional to the vibrational level of the excited NO(v). If quenching of NO by O2 is independent of v, the quoted rate constant kO2 becomes 75% larger. Computer intensity calculations of NOv=1) are compared to radiometric intensity measurements. Intensity calculations using the uncertainty limits of the experimentally measured kO2 support the reliability of determined rate constants.

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