Synthese und Struktur von [CpFe(CO)2SO2]+ AsF6- / Synthesis and Structure of [CpFe(CO)2SO2]+ AsF6

The cationic sulfur dioxide complexes [CpFe(CO)2SO2]+AsF6- (7) and [CpCr(NO)2SO2]+AsF6- (9) are obtained in almost quantitative yield from CpFe(CO)2I(CpCr(NO)2Cl) and AgAsF6 in liquid SO2. With excess transition metal halide dinuclear halogen-bridged cations ([CpFe(CO)2IFe(CO)2Cp]+ and [CpCr(NO)2ClCr(NO)2Cp]+) are formed. The crystal structure of 7 is reported, and the bonding in the complexes is discussed in the light of spectroscopic data.