Oestrogen binding proteins in bone cell cytosol

Attempts were made to demonstrate the presence of specific oestrogen binding proteins (“receptors”) in bone cells. High speed cytosol preparations of bone were incubated with several concentrations of radioactive oestradiol alone and with radioactive oestradiol in the presence of a specific antioestrogen, Nafoxidine. Separation of bound and free oestradiol was carried out by dextran coated charcoal treatment and by sucrose gradient ultracentrifugation. Several types of bones likely to be oestrogen-sensitive were investigated: human femoral heads, human phalanx, rat and rabbit calvaria, humeri and femora of female rats. In all experiments we were unable to demonstrate the presence of specific oestrogen receptors in bone cell cytosol indicating that the direct effect of oestrogens on bone, if present, is not mediated by specific oestrogen receptors.