Investigations of New England Marine Algae I: A Floristic and Descriptive Ecological Study of the Marine Algae at Jaffrey Point, New Hampshire, U.S.A.

The vertical distribution, seasonal occurrence and reproductive periodicity of the bethonic marine algae at Jaffrey Point, New Hamsphire, USA are described. The site is a semi-exposed, open coastal shore on Newcastle Island, which is 2 miles southeast of Portsmouth, New Hamsphire. A total of 125 taxa were collected during 4 yr of seasonal studies, including 59 Rhodophyceae, 33 Phaeophyceae and 33 Chlorophyceae. Several new records for the state are listed and a few extensions of range are given. [Sixteen taxa are newly recorded for the state, including 5 Rhodophyceae (Gymnogongrus crenulatus, Harveyella mirabilis, Leptophytum foecundum, L. laevae and Phymatolithon rugulosum), 4 Phaeophyceae (Laminariocolax tomentosoides, Myrionema corunnae, Petalonia zosterifolia and Sphacelaria arctica) and 7 Chlorophyceae (Capsosiphon fulvescens, Chlorochytrium cohnii, Codiolum gregarium, C. petrocelidis, Enteromorpha torta, Entocladia viridis and Prasiola stipitata).] The periods of occurrence and reproduction of many species differ strikingly from previous records. A large proportion of the green algae are annuals (76%), while a greater portion of the red (81%) and brown algae (61%) are perennials or pseudoperennials. Some species had prolonged periods of reproduction, while others had restricted periods. The full range of plant distribution at Jaffrey Point is described (-29.0 to +3.8m), according to the biological classification of Lewis (1964). The sublittoral zone at Jaffrey Point is dominated by red algae and kelps; relatively few species of green algae are present in this zone. About 41% of the plants were restricted to the sublittoral zone. The greatest number of species were found near mean low water (the lower eulittoral/sublittoral fringe contact area), with a decrease in species above and below this elevation.