Evaluation of Spring Wheat Quality Traits and Genotypes for Production of Cantonese Asian Noodles

Cantonese noodles are a possible end‐use product for spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). This product may provide an export opportunity for growers and be an alternative to the pan bread market. It might also be possible to produce dual‐use spring wheat for both markets. Knowledge of genotype and environment effects on spring wheat quality characteristics relating to Cantonese noodle discoloration will assist breeders in developing cultivars. Nine spring wheat genotypes were grown at four North Dakota locations in 2000 and 2001. Samples were analyzed for kernel polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity, flour protein content, kernel brightness, and flour ash content. Yellow alkaline Cantonese‐style noodle sheets were made from flour milled from each sample and brightness (L*) and yellowness (b*) color measurements taken at 0 and 24 h to evaluate noodle discoloration. Genotypes having low kernel PPO activity, moderate flour protein content, bright kernels, and low flour ash concentrations produced Cantonese noodle sheets having high brightness and yellowness after 24 h. Genotype by environment interactions were significant for wheat quality characteristics related to noodle quality, due in part to rank changes in genotype means across environments. Genotype IDO 470 was identified as having desirable wheat quality characteristics for Cantonese noodle color, indicating that spring wheat genotypes with acceptable noodle quality can be produced for the region. The development of dual‐use spring wheat genotypes may be possible if breeders select for traits that maximize noodle quality but are neutral or have no significant impact on pan bread quality.
Funding Information
  • U.S. Department of Agriculture (99‐34216‐7498)