Enzyme immunoassay for c‐reactive protein analysis

A solid‐phase enzyme immunoassay method using goat anti‐CRP sensitized to polyvinyl 96 well plates and a second rabbit anti‐CRP highly specific for gamma mobility CRP is described in this study. Examination of serum samples of normal healthy individuals from cord blood, children (2–12 yrs) and adults (16–83 yrs) by this EIA method showed a progressive increase in CRP levels with age. The mean and standard error of the mean in ng/ml CRP was as follows with respect to age distribution: cord blood, 310 ± 54; children (2–12 yrs), 664 ± 87; adults (16–35 yrs), 1,145 ± 116; adults (36–50 yrs), 3,775 ± 605; adults (51–83 yrs), 7,718 ± 1,482. Individuals in the age range of 22–34 yrs with one or more abnormality in the chemistry profile analysis showed CRP levels with a higher x̄ ± S.E.M. (3,615 ± 925). This is in contrast to the normal individuals of the same age range (1,145 ± 116). This EIA method is sensitive, reproducible, and specific. It should be a useful quantitative method for monitoring low level CRP responders such as newborn and cord blood serum.