Focal cortical myoclonus and rolandic cortical dysplasia: Clarification by magnetic resonance imaging

Focal cortical myoclonus is rare. Obvious causes include tumor or atrophy involving the motor strip, but in some cases no cause is apparent. We present 4 patients who started to have focal myoclonus in childhood. All had focal motor seizures as well, and one had recurrent focal motor status epilepticus. All 4 had a mild progressive hemiparesis. Electrographic investigations showed focal epileptic discharges in the contralateral rolandic areas. Radiological studies were unrevealing, but magnetic resonance showed rolandic lesions in 3 patients. At surgery, abnormally wide gyri were found in the distribution demonstrated by magnetic resonance. The pathological substrate was focal cortical dysplasia. All patients have improved considerably following surgery. These findings suggest that focal myoclonus may be due to a rolandic neuronal migration disorder. Visualization of these lesions by magnetic resonance permits development of a surgical strategy leading to optimal treatment of these medically intractable epileptic disorders.