The role of amniotomy in induction of labour with oral administration of prostaglandin E2

Prostaglandin E2 was administered orally in doses of 0.5 mg. to 2.0 mg. every 2 hours to 169 women for induction of labour. Induction was successful in 153 women (90%). In 99 of these women, low amniotomy was performed at the beginning. Performance of amniotomy at the beginning of induction did not alter the incidence of successful induction but did lead to a mean induction-delivery interval shorter than that in women who had amniotomy performed in the active phase of labour. Vomiting and/or diarrhoea occurred in 34 women (20%). Uterine hypertonus of only transient nature occurred in 3 women. One woman suffered from atonic post-partum haemorrhage. No adverse effects on the fetus were apparent. The presence of fetopelvic disproportion was associated with a slow rate of cervical dilatation and unsuccessful induction.