Experiments have been performed to assess the feasibility of cooling microelectronic components by means of single-phase and two-phase forced convection. Tests were conducted using a single heat source flush mounted to one wall of a vertical rectangular channel. An inert fluorocarbon liquid (FC-72) was circulated upward through the channel at velocities up to 4.1 m/s and with subcooling up to 46°C. The simulated microelectronic heat sources tested in this study include a smooth surface and three low-profile microstud surfaces of varying stud height, each having a base area of 12.7×12.7 mm2 . Correlations were developed for the single-phase convective heat transfer coefficient over the Reynolds number range from 2800 to 1.5 × 105 , where Reynolds number is based on the length of the heater. The results demonstrate that the low thermal resistances required for cooling of microelectronic heat sources may be achieved with single-phase forced convection by using high fluid velocity coupled with surface enhancement. Experiments were also performed to understand better the parametric trends of boiling heat transfer from the simulated microelectronic heat source. It was found that increased velocity and subcooling and the use of microstud surfaces enhance nucleate boiling, increase the critical heat flux, and reduce the magnitude of temperature overshoot upon the inception of nucleation.