Relationship Between the Sperm Penetration Assay and Other Tests of Sperm Function

Semen from 88 men of infertile couples and 33 fertile donors differed in seminal fluid analysis (sperm density and motility) (SFA) as well as in the penetration of hamster ova (SPA) and bovine cervical mucus (MPT). In the fertile group, significantly more subjects had adequate SFA, SPA, or MPT results than in the infertile group. When the two groups were subdivided into those with normal or those with abnormal SFA, no differences were noted in SPA, MPT, or postcoital test (PCT) scores. The SFA parameter most consistently reflected in the results of the SPA, MPT, and PCT was sperm density. This was most evident when the SFA was poor. The worst prognosticator of fertility was the SFA, with 30% of the fertile donors having an abnormal SFA. The worst prognosticator of infertility was the MPT, with 79% of the patients penetrating in the fertile range. The SPA was a significantly better predictor than either the SFA or MPT. SPA and MPT results were positively correlated only in the overall infertile group. The SPA, MPT, and PCT measure sperm qualities distinct from those revealed by the SFA, and from each other, and in combination provide the best assessment of fertility.