Replacement and amplification of bacterial genes with sequences altered in vitro.

An efficient method for the replacement of chromosomal DNA by segments altered in vitro was developed for bacteria. The method requires a recombinant plasmid with a ColE1-like replicon and a strain defective in DNA polymerase I (polyA), which is unable to replicate the plasmid extrachromosomally. This method is of general use since there are a number of suitable vectors and polyA strains are available in Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium, the 2 most widely studied bacterial species. Using the method, one constructed 2 chromosomal deletions in the chemotaxis gene region of S. typhimurium. Plasmid sequences integrated into the chromosome were amplified up to 30-fold by varying the concentration of ampicillin or tetracycline in the growth medium.