Investigation of magnetic ordering in UPdAs2by neutron diffraction

Magnetic properties of UPdAs2 were studied by both bulk magnetic measurements and by neutron diffraction. The temperature dependence of the reciprocal magnetic susceptibility 1/ chi shows that UPdAs2 orders antiferromagnetically below 240 K. Above 260 K, 1/ chi exhibits an almost straight-line behaviour with mu eff=2.88 mu B and theta p=51 K. Neutron diffraction experiments confirm the tetragonal space group P4/nmm and yielded refined structural parameters. The magnetic ordering in UPdAs2 is of AF IA type with magnetic moments aligned along the c direction. The magnetic structure consists of a stacking of ferromagnetic (001) sheets with a ++-- sequence along the four-fold axis. The ordered magnetic moment of uranium at 8.7 K amounts to 1.69(5) mu B. The temperature variation of the magnetic (101) peak yields the Neel temperature TN=235 K.