Clinical evaluation of doxacurium chloride

Summary: Doxacurium was administered to 50 adult patients for determination of potency (n = 10), onset and duration of clinical relaxation (n = 40). Cumulative dose‐response showed the ED95 to be 33.24 μ−1 (95% confidence limits 27.4–39.3). Doxacurium 33 μ−1 was then administered to four groups of 10 patients each who had anaesthesia maintained with either fentanyl‐droperidol or halothane and nerve stimulation carried out with single‐twitch stimulation at 0.1 Hz or train‐of‐four stimulation at 2 Hz every 12 s. The onset and duration showed wide individual variation. The mean (SD) times to occurrence of maximal block were 8.5 (4.6), 6.1 (1.9), 6.7 (1.8) and 4.7 (1.3) min in the single twitch‐fentanyl, train‐of‐four‐fentanyl, single twitch‐halothane and train‐of‐four‐halothane groups respectively, although it ranged from 3.4 to 13.1 min in individual patients. The mean (SD) durations of clinical relaxation (recovery of single twitch or first response in train‐of‐four to 25%) were 65 (22.8), 52 (21.7), 70 (33.4) and 72 (21.0) min respectively with individual values ranging from 31 to 103 min. Although halothane administration increased the duration of clinical relaxation and train‐of‐four stimulation accelerated the onset of effect, the changes due to these were not significant. There were no adverse effects on heart rate or indirectly measured arterial pressure.