Muscle spindles were studied histochemically in serial transverse sections of 42 cat tenussimus muscle specimens. Staining for myofibrillar adenosine triphosphatase was employed to identify nuclear bag1, nuclear bag2, and nuclear chain intrafusal muscle fibers. The nuclear chain fibers were further subdivided into three categories according to their polar length and the intensity of their staining for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide tetrazolium reductase. A total of 430 spindle poles were surveyed. The mean spindle content of bag1, bag2, and chain fibers was established. The mean polar length of intrafusal fibers as well as that of the intracapsular and extracapsular spindle regions was determined. A cholinesterase (ChE) staining technique was used to demonstrate the termination sites of motor axons along intrafusal fibers. Two types of circumscribed ChE deposits, the “rim” and the “plate,” occurred on the fibers. The nuclear chain fibers usually carried both the ChE rims and plates, while most nuclear bag fibers displayed only the plates. The ChE plates were assessed in term of their appearance, staining intensity, length, and location along the fibers. The mean number of ChE plates found along the fibers was established for each of the various intrafusal fiber types. These histochemical observations are discussed with regard to the current concepts of cat spindle morphology and motor innervation. The results suggest a degree of predictability in the spindle fiber content and in the distribution of motor nerve terminals along intrafusal muscle fibers, at least in the tenuissimus muscle.

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