The corrections to Goldberger-Treiman relations for ΔS=0 and |ΔS|=1 β decays (Δπ and ΔK, respectively) are estimated from a Veneziano-type model for three-point functions. The effect of unitarizing the model is also discussed, and it turns out that Δπ and ΔK are almost insensitive to a variation in the widths of the pseudoscalar-meson daughters. Moreover, the predictions for Δπ and ΔK are in close agreement with experiment. Finally, on-mass-shell extrapolation factors for chiral anomalies in ηγγ and ηπ+πγ are also derived, and agreement with experiment is found without the need for invoking ηη mixing. In summary, the model discussed here seems to be a suitable implementation of the recently proposed extended partially conserved axial-vector current hypothesis.