Cancer promotion in a mouse‐skin model by a 60‐Hz magnetic field: I. Experimental design and exposure system

The rationale for selection of an animal model, the experimental design, and the design and evaluation of an exposure system used in studies of 60‐Hz magnetic fields are described. The studies were conceived to assay development of cancer and immune responsiveness in mice exposed to magnetic fields. The exposure system utilized a quadrupole‐coil configuration to minimize stray magnetic fields. Four square‐wound coil provided a uniform field within a volume occupied by 16 animal cages. The magnetic field had a mean flux density of 2 mT that varied less than ±10% within the volume occupied by animals' cages. The flux density decreased to less than 0.1 μT at a distance of 2 m from the coils. In each exposure system 32 animals could be housed in plastic cages.