Stress Effects on the Paramagnetic Resonance of Yb3+ in ThO2 and Ho2+ in CaF2

The change of the spin-Hamiltonian parameters g and A has been measured for Yb3+ in ThO2 and H02+ in CaF2 (both in cubic sites) as a function of uniaxial stress. Because of cavity geometry, the perpendicular shifts in the g values were measured for stresses along the [111] direction in the former case, and along the [001] and [111] directions in the latter. The observed values were Δg=6.18×106 kg1 cm2, for Yb3+ in ThO2 stressed along [111]; Δg=1.43×104 kg1 cm2 and Δg=5.3×105 kg1 cm2, for Ho2+ in CaF2, stressed along the [001] and [111] directions, respectively. The change of the hyperfine interaction was related to the change in g value by the usual relation, ΔA=AΔgg. The crystalline field at the impurity site was computed, using a point-charge model as a function of external stress. No allowance was made for local distortion, as compared to bulk distortion. Using Hartree-Fock radial integrals, as computed by Freeman and Watson, a theoretical value for the g shifts was obtained. The dominant contribution, in the case of Yb3+ in ThO2 was found to come from l=2 terms in the crystalline-field potential, and very good agreement with experiment was obtained. For H02+ in CaF2, the dominant contribution for stresses along the [001] direction was again from l=2 terms, and again very good agreement was obtained. However, in the latter case for stresses along the [111] direction, the l=4 terms in the crystal-line field dominated. The theoretical and experimental values differed by roughly a factor of 4, the experimental value being larger. This feature is discussed, using the very recent results of Watson and Freeman on rare-earth ion covalency.