Giant axons from the squid were injected with 1.5 M cesium sulfate solutions containing the radioactive isotopes 42K and 134Cs. These axons, when stimulated, gave characteristic long duration action potentials lasting between 5 and 45 msec. The effluxes of 42K and 134Cs were measured both under resting conditions and during periods of repetitive stimulation. During the lengthened responses there were considerable increases in potassium efflux but only small increases in cesium efflux. The selectivity of the delayed rectification process was about 9 times greater for potassium ions than for cesium ions. The data suggest that internal cesium ions inhibit the outward potassium movement occurring during an action potential. The extra potassium effluxes taking place during excitation appear to be reduced in the presence of cesium ions to values between 7 and 22% of those expected in the absence of cesium inhibition.