A novel monolithic stationary phase having long alkyl chain ligands (C17) was introduced and evaluated in capillary electrochromatography (CEC) of small neutral and charged species. The monolithic stationary phase was prepared by the in situ copolymerization of pentaerythritol diacrylate monostearate (PEDAS) and 2‐acrylamido‐2‐methyl‐1‐propanesulfonic acid (AMPS) in a ternary porogenic solvent consisting of cyclohexanol/ethylene‐glycol/water. While AMPS was meant to support the electroosmotic flow (EOF) necessary for transporting the mobile phase through the monolithic capillary, the PEDAS was introduced to provide the nonpolar sites for chromatographic retention. Monolithic columns at various EOF velocities were readily prepared by conveniently adjusting the amount of AMPS in the polymerization solution as well as the composition of the porogenic solvent. The monolithic stationary phases thus obtained exhibited reversed‐phase chromatography behavior toward neutral solutes and yielded a relatively strong EOF. For charged solutes (e.g., dansyl amino acids), nonpolar as well as electrostatic interaction/repulsion with the monoliths were observed in addition to electrophoretic migration. Therefore, for charged solutes, selectivity and migration can be readily manipulated by changing various parameters including the nature of the monolith and the composition of the mobile phase (e.g., pH, ionic strength and organic modifier). Ultrafast separation on the time scale of seconds of 17 different charged and neutral pesticides and metabolites were performed using short capillary columns of 8.5 cm×100 νm ID.