To the Editor:— A syndrome comprised of motor tics and coprolalia was reported by Gilles de la Tourette in 1885.1Characteristically, the syndrome consists of numerous vocal and motor tics accentuated during times of emotional stress. Coprolalia occurs later and is considered a pathognomonic sign. The onset is usually between 5 and 10 years of age, and the prognosis almost uniformly poor. Psychotherapeutic and psychopharmacological measures employed have been of very little benefit.2-6 In 1961, Seignot used haloperidol for Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome.7The patient was a 35-year-old man who had an estimated 1,000 tics a day and coprolalia since the age of 10 years, except for a period of two years in adolescence when he had spontaneous remission. Haloperidol decreased the patient's tics to two to three times per day, and completely alleviated the coprolalia. Four additional cases with marked beneficial response to haloperidol have

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