Effects of precoating surface treatments on fatigue of Ti‐6Al‐4V

Grit blasting is a common procedure of roughening surfaces to promote physical attachment of porous coatings, but it has been shown to reduce fatigue strength. Shot peening is known to increase fatigue strength by inducing compressive surface stresses; however, it is not known how subsequent grit blasting affects these benefits. This study examines the endurance limits, Se, of ELI grade Ti-6A1-4V specimens under rotating cyclic bending, including polished (control); belted and beaded; belted, beaded, and grit blasted; and belted, beaded, shot peened, and grit blasted. Belting and beading resulted in a slight increase in Se; grit blasting caused a 15% reduction in Se from polished. Fifty percent of this reduction was recovered when shot peening preceded grit blasting, suggesting that residual compressive surface stresses, induced by peening, were not eliminated by the blast process. Roughness averages and RMS values did not correlate with Se trends. SEM results showed classical fatigue fractures, consistent with surface crack initiation. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.