The ultrastructure ofRhodomonas lacustriswas examined using scanning and transmission electron microscopy, and the pigments were scanned in vivo by the opal plate technique. The periplast is composed of hexagonal plates, with trichocysts at the corners. This cryptomonad lacks a gullet but has a deep ventral furrow, in which more than 20 large ejectosomes are located. The chloroplast has mainly three thylakoids per lamella, and it is structurally reminiscent of that of certain haptophycean flagellates. The pigments appear to be as usual within the photosynthetic cryptomonads, with phycoerythrin type PE I (phycocyanin was not detected). Other cellular inclusions (e.g., lysosome‐like vesicles and the contractile vacuolar complex) are also discussed.