Several dissections were performed to determine the level of spinal cord termination and the vertebral level at which the dorsal and ventral roots of spinal nerves C1-S4 emerged from the spinal cord in the rat. These levels of emergence were then compared to the level of exit from the vertebral canal. The dissections demonstrated that the effect of differential growth between spinal cord and vertebral column begins in the lower cervical region and becomes progressively more pronounced throughout thoracic and lumbar levels. The disparity between the vertebral level of emergence of spinal roots from the spinal cord and their level of exit via intervertebral foramina was found to be considerably larger than was previously reported by Greene ('68). It was further noted that the spinal cord terminated at the level of the intervertebral disc between the third and fourth lumbar vertebrae, not between the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae as reported by Greene ('68).