Local-environment model for the hyperfine interactions inFe3−xNixSi

X-ray, magnetization, spin-echo NMR, and Mössbauer techniques have been used to study the local magnetic-moment formation and corresponding hyperfine-field interactions in Fe3xNixSi for 0<~x<~1. The x-ray measurements indicate that a single phase having the fcc DO3-type structure is formed for x<~0.9 with a slight increase in the lattice constant as Ni is added. The alloys are ferromagnetic throughout the entire composition range studied with a saturation magnetic moment that decreases from 4.8μB per formula unit for x=0 to 4.0μB per formula unit for x=0.9. The NMR measurements show that Ni replaces Fe in the (A,C) sites for 0<~x<~0.9 and consequently a local environment model relating the hyperfine fields with the magnetic moments previously developed for related systems can be applied. In this model the Ni moment remains approximately constant at 0.9μB for x<~0.6. The Fe(B) moment increases from 2.2μB for no Ni 1NN to 3.0μB for 1 Ni 1NN and then decreases gradually to 2.7μB for 4 Ni first-nearest neighbors (1NN). When one uses this model for the magnetic-moment formation, a subdivision of the observed internal fields into contributions arising from the 4s spin polarization transferred from neighboring moments and the polarization resulting from the on-site moments is obtained. The on-site contribution for Ni (Hcp+Hs) was found to be +120kOeμB while that for Fe(B) was 93.18kOeμB.