InP D-HBT IC's for 40 Gb/s and higher bitrate lightwave transceivers

The combination of device speed (f/sub T/, f/sub max/>150 GHz) and breakdown voltage (V/sup bcco/ of about 10 V), makes the double heterojunction InP-based HBT (D-HBT), a very attractive technology to implement the most demanding analog functions of 40 Gb/s transceivers. This is illustrated by the performance of a number of InP D-HBT circuits including millimeter-wave low phase-noise VCO's up to 146 GHz, low jitter 40 Gb/s limiting amplifiers, a 40 Gb/s driver amplifier with 4.5 V differential output swing and distributed pre-amplifiers with up to 1.4 THz gain-bandwidth.

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