Primary Intestinal Myopathy, a Cause of Chronic Idiopathic Intestinal Pseudoobstruction Syndrome (Cips): Clinicopathological Studies of Seven Cases in Children

Clinicopathological data on seven instances of primary intestinal myopathy in children are reported. The ages of the patients ranged from eleven months to thirteen years. A persistent intestinal obstruction was the main and constant clinical feature. An ineffective intestinal propulsion was documented on manometric studies. Various urological abnormalities were present in three cases. One patient died and six survive but are dependent on enteral and parenteral nutrition. The morphological findings consisted of degenerative changes involving the muscular layers of the intestinal wall. These changes varied from cytoplasmic vacuolation to definite atrophy and disappearance of the muscular fibers. An extensive interstitial fibrosis underlined these atrophic changes in the late stages of the disease. A familial history was identified in three cases, one consistent with an autosomal dominant transmission.