Les trolls sont-ils incompétents ? Enquête sur les financiers amateurs

Are the Trolls Incompetent ? Inquiry into the Financiers Amateurs Vincent-Antonin Lepinay, Fabrice Rousseau The recent booming development of Internet Sites allowing for a direct access to the financial markets goes with the related emergence of stakeholders seemingly ignorant of « financial logic ». Sticking to moral or political exigencies as much as to the monetary return, these amateur traders display very heterodox representations of finance and of its working. Drawing from some exemplary cases, this article makes an attempt at describing the enactment of financial practices by these amateurs devoid of the usual institutional competencies. Having to face the variety of the economic beings within their reach, they have devised original cognitive strategies that articulate periods of census and of exploration. This is the main object of this article. Buying and selling stocks, not only for making profit but also as an attempt to understand the economic and financial dynamics, these financier amateur — also dubbed traders-on-line or trolls — eventually look comparable to the professional ones. Between these two poles, one can observe a continuum. The variations seems to depend on the institutional constraints that bear on the operators.

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