Cerebral activation in malformations of cortical development

Malformations of cortical development (MCD) are an important aetiology of localization-related epilepsy. Previous MRI and [11C]flumazenil PET studies have demonstrated widespread structural and neuroreceptor abnormalities beyond the region of MCD that is visually apparent on MRI. We investigated the ability of brain regions affected by MCD to participate in normal cognitive and motor tasks and compared the responses seen in such patients with those in normal subjects. We studied five patients known to have MCD affecting the occipital region and seven normal subjects using H2 (15)O PET whilst they were performing a visual attention task. We also studied five right-handed patients known to have MCD affecting the left frontal lobe and seven right-handed normal subjects, using H2 (15)O PET whilst they were performing a motor learning task with the right hand. The patient and normal control data were examined using statistical parametric mapping to determine the ability of the brain region affected by MCD to participate in the task and also to detect evidence for atypical organization of cortical function in association with the MCD. Eight of the ten patients with MCD showed significant alteration of relative regional cerebral blood flow during the task compared with 'rest' in the affected brain region. These regions included focally dysgenetic cortex, the cortex lining schizencephalic clefts, heterotopic bands, subependymal grey matter heterotopia, and the cortex overlying band and subependymal heterotopia. In addition there was a significant alteration in the overall activation pattern in five patients compared with the normal control groups; in all five patients this atypical organization involved regions of cortex that appeared entirely normal on MRI. We conclude that regions of MCD may participate in normal cognitive functions but widespread cortical atypical organization may be seen. These findings have implications for surgical planning in any such patients.

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