To test the hypothesis that the electrolyte-regulating hormones of the adrenal are produced in the glomerulosa, the histochemical appearance of the rat''s adrenal was studied in expts. designed to disturb the normal Na K ratio in the blood plasma. Reduction of this ratio, accomplished either by the injn. of a K salt or by dietary deficiency in Na, caused changes in the glomerulosa indicating increased activity: the zone became broader and the lipid droplets smaller, eventually disappearing. The ketosteroid reactions remained strong until the droplets had disappeared. Similar changes developed in hypophysectomized rats. Elevation of the Na; K ratio, accomplished either by injn. of desoxycorticosterone or by dietary deficiency in K, caused changes indicating inactivity of the glomerulosa: the cells became smaller and the lipid droplets larger, eventually disappearing. The ketosteroid reactions declined in intensity progressively. These observations indicate that depression of the Na: K ratio causes increased secretion by the cells of the zona glomerulosa and that elevation of this ratio causes decreased secretion. These effects do not require the pituitary, but the mediating mechanism is unknown. The admn. of desoxycorti[long dash]costerone (2 mg. daily) failed to prevent the glomerulosal changes accompanying Na deficiency.