In this paper we construct Born amplitudes for a theory of nonstrange meson interactions. It is convenient to summarize our results in two parts. (i) Four-particle Born amplitude, A4 Here we decide to retain two and reject two of four properties possessed by the unit-intercept Euler-B-function model. We retain (a) no odd daughters and (b) summability over permutations; we reject (c) the supplementary condition on the sum of trajectory functions and (d) the Plahte phase identities. The reason for rejecting (c) is simply that the physical masses do not in general fulfill such a condition; one is then forced to reject (d) because without (c) the phase identies are inconsistent. Having made these decisions, we show that retention of (a) and (b) guarantees that there be new singularities in the integrand. Reggc behavior dictates that these singularities be at the fixed points x=e±iπ3 of a six-element S3 group with elements x(1x)x(x1). The general form of A4 is given; it contains a function which is (1) invariant under an S3 group and (2) analytic everywhere except for possible simple or multiple poles at the fixed points. Some examples lead to the selection of a particularly simple form for A4 as a physically interesting model for ππ elastic scattering. Some phenomenological consequences of this model are given including the elastic-resonance widths and the status of the soft-pion consistency condition. (ii) N-particle Born amplitude, AN. By introducing redundant variables and rewriting A4 in terms of projective-invariant anharmonic ratios, the integrand becomes invariant under a larger S4 group. This is convenient because it enables us to extend all factors, including those with fixed-point singularities, from A4 to AN. The general formula for AN is given; its integrand is SN-invariant. An extension of the specific physically interesting four-pion model is constructed. Evident in the multipionic amplitude is an anticommutative algebra which we interpret as the signature of underlying fermionic quarks. In our final remarks we urge that the spectrum uniquely implied by these multipionic amplitudes be analyzed and compared in detail with experimental observations of the nonstrange mesonic spectrum. In an appendix we point out that the symmetric group may be used to unify three different previous proposals. Special cases, extrapolated to unphysical mass values, of the present approach include (1) the unit-ρπ-intercept A4 of Veneziano and its AN extension in the Bardakci-Chan-Goebel-Koba-Nielsen-Ruegg-Sakita-Tsun-Virasoro theory; (2) the unit-p-intercept A4 of Lovelace and Shapiro and its AN extension by Neveu and Schwarz; (3) the equal-ρπ-intercept A4 of Mandelstam and its AN extension by Gervais and Neveu.