Additional device parameters and design considerations of the SUBC are established. Experimental verification of the predicted performance was carried out using a PbMoO4 SUBC. Measured performance figures of the SUBC agree well with those predicted. The PbMoO4 SUBC was used to perform sequential switching of optical pulse trains from mode-locked He–Ne and Ar–ion lasers. Optical multiplexers and demultiplexers using the PbMoO4 SUBC were investigated theoretically and experimentally. Experimental verification of the theoretical results was obtained at 1–4-Gbits/sec bit rates by the construction and testing of several simple optical multiplexer/demultiplexer terminals using a mode-locked argon laser. This acoustooptic multiplexer/demultiplexer is shown to be simple to construct and organize and is, therefore, one of the best candidates for an ultrahigh data rate PCM communication system using mode-locked pulse trains from a Nd3+:YAlG laser.