The administration of diethylstilbestrol either in the feed or by implantation of 36 mg. under the hide resulted in increased gains of from 14.7 to 16.0%. Both methods of administration apparently exert about the same growth stimulatory effect in drylot. Both methods of administration of diethylstilbestrol resulted in from 9 to 10% increase in the consumption of ground ear corn, but the increase in gain was sufficient that the diethylstilbestrol-treated cattle required from 7.4 to 8.5% less total feed per unit of gain than cattle which had not been treated with diethylstilbestrol. The feeding of 80 mg. chlortetracycline per day resulted in a 5.4% increase in gain over lots that received no chlortetracycline. The feeding of 80 mg. chlortetracycline resulted in upgrading of the carcasses. Whereas 72% of the carcasses from chlortetracycline-fed cattle graded U. S. Choice, only 47% of the carcasses from cattle which had not received chlortetracycline graded U. S. Choice. Side effects were the same regardless of whether steers were implanted with 36 mg. of diethylstilbestrol or fed 10 mg. diethylstilbestrol per head daily. Copyright © . .