The development of the temperature difference between the rectum and testis has been studied in 20-, 25-, 30- and 35-day-old as well as adult rats. Temperatures were recorded with thermocouple needles without anesthesia. The temperature difference was approximately 3.5[degree]C in the adult and 35-day-old animals. The difference was about 2[degree]C in the 25- and 30-day-old rats and about 1[degree]C in the youngest ones. The 3 younger groups (20, 25 and 30 days) had significantly higher intratesticu-lar temperatures than the adult rats. In the young rats variations in body temperature between 35.6oC and 38.4[degree]C did not significantly affect the rectum-testis temperature difference. In the adult rats, the difference began to increase when the rectal temperature rose above 37.6[degree]C. The relationship of developing temperature difference to the onset of endocrine puberty, functional maturity of the seminiferous tubules and development of the scrotal sac is discussed.