The water-soluble, sulfhydryl-specific, chemical modifier p-chloromercuribenzenesulfonic acid reversibly inhibited the accumulation of exogenously supplied 14C-sucrose into leaf discs of Beta vulgaris. P-Chloromercuribenzenesulfonic acid treatment did not inhibit photosynthesis or respiration or induce membrane leakage to sucrose, indicating that the site of inhibition was the plasmalemma. The active loading of sucrose and 14CO2-derived assimilates into the phloem and their translocation from the source leaf were inhibited by the nonpermeant modifier. Several nonpermeant sulfhydryl group modifiers also inhibited sucrose accumulation into leaf discs while two amino-reactive reagents had no effect. The results indicate that sugars are actively accumulated into the phloem from the apoplast and that membrane sulfhydryl groups may be involved.