Coding Specificity in Cortical Microcircuits: A Multiple-Electrode Analysis of Primate Prefrontal Cortex

Neurons with directional specificities are active in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) during tasks that require spatial working memory. Although the coordination of neuronal activity in PFC is thought to be maintained by a network of recurrent connections, direct physiological evidence regarding such networks is sparse. To gain insight into the functional organization of the working memory system in vivo, we recorded simultaneously from multiple neurons spaced 0.2–1 mm apart in monkeys performing an oculomotor delayed response task. We used cross-correlation analysis and characterized the effective connectivity between neurons in relation to their spatial and temporal response properties. The majority of narrow (<5 msec) cross-correlation peaks indicated common input and were most often observed between pairs of neurons within 0.3 mm of each other. Neurons recorded at these distances represented the full range of spatial locations, suggesting that the entire visual hemifield is represented in modules of corresponding dimensions. Nearby neurons could be activated in any epoch of the behavioral task (stimulus presentation, delay, response). The incidence and strength of cross-correlation, however, was highest among cells sharing similar spatial tuning and similar temporal profiles of activation across task epochs. The dependence of correlated discharge on the functional properties of neurons was observed both when we analyzed firing from the task period as well as from baseline fixation. Our results suggest that the coding specificity of individual neurons extends to the local circuits of which they are part.