Generalised P-representations in quantum optics

A class of normal ordering representations of quantum operators is introduced, that generalises the Glauber-Sudarshan P-representation by using nondiagonal coherent state projection operators. These are shown to have practical application to the solution of quantum mechanical master equations. Different representations have different domains of integration, on a complex extension of the usual canonical phase-space. The 'complex P-representation' is the case in which analytic P-functions are defined and normalised on contours in the complex plane. In this case, exact steady-state solutions can often be obtained, even when this is not possible using the Glauber-Sudarshan P-representation. The 'positive P-representation' is the case in which the domain is the whole complex phase-space. In this case the P-function may always be chosen positive, and any Fokker-Planck equation arising can be chosen to have a positive-semidefinite diffusion array. Thus the 'positive P-representation' is a genuine probability distribution. The new representations are especially useful in cases of nonclassical statistics.