Potassium Metabolism of Liver Mitochondria.

Rabbit liver mitochondria contain K which cannot be removed by repeated washings with NaCl solns. at 2[degree]C. This fraction represents about 2% of total cell K; and the ration of K to N is about 0.80 meq./gm. This K fraction exchanges with ambient K under appropriate metabolic conditions, but there is no exchange when metabolism is depressed by low temps. and by dilution of substrate. Orthophosphate depresses the level of mito-chondrial K. A newly observed polyphasic action of 2, 4-dinitro phenol indicates a specific relationship between mitochondrial ester phosphate and K exchange. Mitochondrial Na levels are much lower than K and show no specific relationship to metabolic reactions as modified by 2,4-dinitrophenol. The results are discussed in terms of the ion-complex carrier theory of electrolyte transport.