Protein carboxyl methyltransferase activity specific for age-modified aspartyl residues in mouse testes and ovaries: Evidence for translation during spermiogenesis

An antiserum prepared against the purified protein carboxyl methltransferase (PCMT) from bovine brain has been used to compare testicular and ovarian levels of the enzyme and to study the regulation of PCMT concentrations during spermatogenesis. The PCMT, which specifically modifies age-damaged aspartyl residues, is present at a significantly higher concentration in mature mouse testis than in ovary. However, the PCMT is present at nearly equal concentrations in extracts of germ cell-deficient ovaries and testes obtained from mutant atrichosislatrichosis mice. In normal testis, the concentration of the PCMT increases severalfold during the first 4–5 weeks after birth, paralleling the appearance and maturation of testicular germ cells. Both immunochemical and enzymatic measurements of PCMT specific activities in purified spermatogenic cell preparations indicate that PCMT levels are twofold and 3.5-fold higher in round spermatids and residual bodies, respectively, than in pachytene spermatocytes. The results are consistent with the enhanced synthesis and/or stability of the PCMT in spermatogenic cells and with the continued translation of the PCMT during the haploid portion of spermatogenesis. The relatively high levels of PCMT in spermatogenic cells may be important for the extensive metabolism of proteins accompanying spermatid condensation or for the repair of damaged proteins in translationally inactive spermatozoa.