Identification ofTh236

The radionuclide Th236 has been produced by the U238(p,3p)Th236 reaction with 100-MeV protons. The cross section for the reaction is 53+6 μb. Radiochemical separations were performed to isolate the thorium fraction from uranium, neptunium, protactinium, and fission products. The Th236 half-life was determined to be 37.5 ± 1.5 min by measuring the growth and decay of its daughter, 9.1-min Pa236. Electromagnetic isotope separation was also performed on the thorium samples, and although the resultant sources were very weak, evidence for several γ transitions in the Th236 decay was obtained. A partial decay scheme is proposed for Th236 that includes excited states in Pa236 at 2.1, 112.7, 132, and 230 keV. The decay of Th236 is compared with the decay of Th234, with emphasis on the (p12[530]+n12+[631])0,1 bands in Pa234 and Pa236.

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