Giant transversal magnetoimpedance and Hall-effect measurements in Co70.4Fe4.6Si15B10

We report room‐temperature transversal magnetoimpedance (TMI) and Hall‐effect measurements performed in ribbons of the zero‐magnetostriction soft‐ferromagnet Co70.4Fe4.6Si15B10 alloy annealed at 587 K for 15 min at a dc magnetic field of 2 kOe. The annealing showed little effect on the magnetostriction of the samples. The frequency f and the amplitude Iac of the current used in the measurements, and the measuring magnetic field H were varied in the intervals 10≤f≤105 Hz, 2.5≤Iac≤25 mA, and −15≤H≤15 kOe, respectively. The magnetic field dependence of the TMI shows a peak which is strongly dependent on f and on Iac. It reaches the giant value of 28% at H=350 Oe for f=100 kHz and Iac=25 mA. This TMI giant value is of the same order of the giant longitudinal magnetoimpedance (GLMI) but its peak is positioned in a magnetic field two orders of magnitude larger than the value obtained for the GLMI. The Hall effect yielded a value of RS=0.43 μΩ cm kOe−1. Peaks which are also frequency dependent were observed at the Hall voltage.