Sub-Hertz Optical Frequency Comparisons between Two TrappedYb+171Ions

We compare the frequencies of the 6sS1/22(F=0)5dD3/22(F=2) reference transition in Yb+171 for two single ions stored in independent traps. The quadrupole moment of the 5dD3/22 state is measured to be 9.32(48)×1040Cm2 and from the quadratic Stark shift the relevant scalar and tensor polarizabilities are determined to be αS(S1/2)αS(D3/2)=6.9(1.4)×1040Jm2/V2 and αT(D3/2)=13.6(2.2)×1040Jm2/V2, respectively. In the absence of external perturbations we find a mean frequency difference between the two trapped ions of 0.26(42) Hz, corresponding to a relative difference of 3.8(6.1)×1016. This is comparable to the agreement found in the most accurate comparisons between cesium fountain clocks.