Instability of the fixed point of theO(N) nonlinear σ-model in (2+ε) dimensions

We calculate the full dimension (canonical plus anomalous), y2s, of an infinite number of O(N) invariant operators with 2s gradients. We find that for large (ε=d-2), y2s=2(1-s)+ε{1+[s2/ (N-2)][1+O(1/s)]}+[ε2 s3/(N-2)2]2/3+O(1/s)]+O(ε3), correct to two-loop order. Thus, in two-loop order y2s grows even more rapidly than in one-loop order. Even if ε is arbitrarily small, one can always find, to two-loop order, operators with positive full dimension by choosing s sufficiently large. We argue that the conventional analysis of this problem may be inadequate.