Dynamic Recording and Readout Characteristics of GdTbFe Using a Modified Magneto-Optical Disk Exerciser

Amorphous ternary GdTbFe alloy films with a Kerr rotation angle of 0.38°–0.41° were prepared by rf sputtering on glass disks with a diameter of 115 mm. Thermomagnetic recording and readout experiments were carried out on these disks using a modified magneto-optical disk exerciser. The bit density of a few tens Mb/cm2 and the carrier-to-noise ratio (C/N) of 38 dB at 2.048 Mb/s (NRZ) were attained. It was found that a smaller spot diameter is desirable for readout than that for recording. Furthermore, primitive measurements of bit error rate were made at 1.536 and 2.048 Mb/s (NRZ), and values of the order of 10-5 were obtained.