Schwere Encephalopathie bei Purpura Schönlein-Henoch

We are reporting on the case of a 7-year old, previously healthy boy with Schönlein-Henoch Purpura complicated by a severe encephalopathy: Two days after the initial abdominal symptoms he showed a prolonged cerebral convulsion followed by a 6-day semicomatous state, right-sided paralysis and aphasia. The typical skin lesions and joint swellings only appeared two days after the seizure. He was treated with acyclovir, followed by beta-interferon, both without apparent improvement. After initiating corticosteroids improvement of the neurological deficits was noticed. After 3 1/2 months he was still left with a right-sided spastic paralysis and mild aphasia. The cranial CT demonstrated initially a left-sided cerebral edema, later developing into a cerebral atrophy involving the periventricular structures as well as cortical regions predominantly of the left side.

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