Different types of benign nerve sheath tumors

Summary In a light-, electronmicroscopic and autoradiographic study different types of nerve sheath tumors were classified. Their cellular population was quantitatively evaluated in the electron microscope. In the neurinoma the predominant cell was found to be the Schwann cell, but in the different types of neurofibromata a variable content of connective tissue cells was noted. The diffuse neurofibromata showed a quantitative cellular composition similar to normal peripheral nerves. In the plexiform neurofibroma a large number of fibroblasts were present and in the argyrophilic neurofibroma high content of perineurial cells was found. In autoradiographic sections the tumors showed in general a low proliferation rate (L.i. 1–3.6%). In the argyrophilic neurofibrom a higher labelling index (9.5%) was found.