Distribution and fine structure of the lymphatic system in the human testis

The distribution of lymph vessels in the human testis was investigated using ink injection methods, and light and electron microscopy. Lymph capillaries occur in the septula testis but are absent in the intertubular tissue. They consist of endothelial cells provided with an incomplete basal lamina and anchoring filaments of the adjacent connective tissue. Frequently, the endothelial cells are separated by gaps measuring up to 2μm. The lymph capillaries of the septula testis are connected to lymph vessels in the rete testis and tunica albuginea. These vessels have occasional smooth muscle cells and valves. At the posterior margin of the testis, the network of lymph vessels merges into collecting ducts, which together with vessels derived from the rete testis are drained by the lymphatic system in the spermatic cord.