Episodic symptoms in dysfunctioning children and adolescents following mild and severe traumatic brain injury

The present investigation examines the phenomenology of episodic symptoms in dysfunctioning children and adolescents following mild (n = 25) or severe (n = 25) traumatic brain injury (TBI). TBI patients in both groups commonly endorsed symptoms such as staring spells, memory gaps, and temper outbursts. Anticonvulsant response in the 27 patients treated, reflected moderate to substantial improvement in 92%. A dose-response relationship between injury severity and number of episodic symptoms was not observed; however, patients in the severe TBI sample did produce significantly more defective performances on a dichotic word-listening task (DWLT) and lower IQ values. Defective DWLT performance was also significantly associated with greater number of episodic symptoms endorsed, but only in the mild TBI sample. Parallels with epilepsy spectrum disorder and clinical implications for paediatric TBI are discussed.