SUMMARY: The life history of the marine red alga Acrochaetium pectinatum (Kylin) Hamel was studied in unialgal culture using supplemented natural seawater media. The tetrasporophytes are larger than the gametophytes, have a compact filamentous basal system, and produce monosporangia and tetrasporangia. Mono‐spores give rise to tetrasporophytes. Tetraspores develop into small gametophytes with unicellular bases. The gametophytes are heterothallic when small (usually less than 500 μ) but as some females become larger (2‐3 mm) they produce spermatangia as well as carpogonia. Gametophytes may bear mono‐sporangia in addition to carpogonia or spermatangia. These monospores give rise to gametophytes. Fertilization of the carpogonia has not been observed. The tetrasporophytes produce only monosporangia in day‐lengths of 12‐16 hr, but both tetrasporangia and monosporangia are formed in daylengths of 6–10 hr. Tetrasporangial production is reduced at 15 C compared with 10 C. Light intensity in the range of 5‐200 ft‐c (cool white fluorescent lighting) has no apparent influence on induction of tetrasporangia. Induction of tetrasporangia is not a photoperiodic response because their development is not inhibited by a brief light break in the middle of the dark period in short daylengths. Plastid morphology, origin, and frequency of sporangia and vegetative branching are variable during the ontogeny, and consequently are somewhat unreliable as taxonomic criteria. Differences in basal systems between gametophytes and tetrasporophytes also indicate that this feature, which is used to distinguish major subgeneric groupings in Acrochaetium, may not be as useful as previously thought.