Time scales of the flux creep in superconductors

We have studied both theoretically and experimentally flux-creep dynamics in superconductors. A theoretical analysis of nonlinear flux diffusion shows that the relaxation of the electric field proves to be similar for different models of thermally activated flux creep, whereas the long-time decay of the magnetic moment M(t) can be essentially model dependent. A proposed scaling analysis indicates that the short-time decay of M(t) in the subcritical region jjc is universal and consists of two stages. The initial nonlogarithmic stage is due to a transient redistribution of magnetic flux over the sample cross section, the duration of this stage τ0 being entirely determined by macroscopic quantities, such as sample sizes, flux creep rate M1(T,B)=dM/d lnt, and magnetic ramp rate Ḃe=dB/dt. The second stage corresponds to the approximately logarithmic relaxation M(t)=Mc-M1ln(t/t0), with t0 being a macroscopic time constant that also depends on sample sizes, M1(T,B), and the voltage criterion Ec at which the critical current density jc is defined.