66. Some Observations on Cow's Milk poor in Non-fatty Solids

1. Traces of blood serum albumin have been demonstrated in normal milk.2. The content of blood serum albumin is increased in many of the milks which are poor in non-fatty solids and there is evidence of some correlation between low non-fatty solids and high blood serum albumin content of the milk.3. The experimental data support a conclusion that deficiency of nonfatty solids in milk in some cases may be due to dilution of a normal secretion in the udder by a fluid of the nature of oedema fluid, i.e. to a pathological rather than a physiological condition.4. Some evidence, which obviously needs confirmation, has been adduced indicating that the casein-nitrogen content of milk as determined by Moir's technique may be slightly too high. The accuracy of the globulin figures seems also to be open to doubt.